Kelly Pickering

My Services
I offer personalized Health Coaching to individuals, couples and families as well as group coaching.
My program will radically improve your health and happiness. Together, we’ll explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.
During the course of the program you will:
• Set and accomplish goals
• Explore new foods
• Feel better in your body
• Increase energy
• Understand and reduce cravings
• Improve personal relationships

Individual, Couple and Family Health Coaching
In each one hour session we'll explore your goals, and assess the changes you have made.
You'll also receive:
Personalized Health Assessment
Email support between sessions
Handouts, recipes, and other materials
Food samples and self-care products
Field trip to farmer’s market or Co-op
You choose the number of sessions!
1 hour Session $75.00
6 Session package $412.50
12 Session package $800.00

Group Health Coaching
Small group health coaching is a great way to meet people, gain knowledge and find support.
You'll also receive:
Personalized Health Assessment
Group email support between sessions
Handouts, recipes, and other materials
Food samples and self-care products
Cooking classes
Group sessions require a minimum of 3 people.
6 sessions @ $40 per session $240